The Triopia Athletic Boosters are inviting you to be a part of a very special opportunity to show your school pride for years to come. The Athletic Boosters have built a beautiful new entrance to our outdoor athletic facilities with additional space for you to extend your legacy.
Your generous donation of a tile will be in view to the hundreds of patrons who come to support our athletes for years to come. Engraved tiles will mark the wall and ticket booth. Every tile engraving is guaranteed for life!
Completed order forms will be accepted year-round, but can only be processed in sets of 50, so your patience is appreciated. We currently have 32 orders and are in need of your donation to finish our project! Preferred method of turning in your to the school or mailing to the address attached. Orders and payments may also be submitted online at
Thank you for your generous purchase of a tile.
4” x 8” Tile – Option #1 - $100.00
8” x 8” Tile – Option #2 - $200.00
Click here for an order form
Deadline is May 31, 2021 as the hope is to have the new tiles added by next fall.